Book nirvana is coming soon…

Nirvana. A noun meaning a place of peace or happiness.

That. is. me.

I am (relatively)pain free from my surgery and see so much bookish delight coming soon to my readers. I am *dying* to share with you the latest Lawkeeper book I just finished because its simply my most favorite thing ever. Not only did I think the cover model was perfectly dreamy but the story just grabs your heart strings and plucks a happy tune… (Like Bob Ross and his ‘happy little trees’ – I’m doing the same happy dance writing this book)

In other news – I have bought paperbacks, used a Nook and now use an Ipad to read my books – and if you are having issues with getting your next Lawkeeper fix digitally – (say it with me) THERE’S AN APP FOR THAT!

I’m not even kidding! My Ipad has the kindle app and it works just like my mothers KindleFire but with all the wonder that a Apple product can give you. No haterz – I love Apple products and they are everywhere at work, home, TV, personal, etc…


There is nothing better than escaping reality by reading in your car or the breakroom at work!- and here is a few reading suggestions to get you started:

Books everywhere – just look at the pretty covers!


Stay tuned – cover reveal to come soon!


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