Goodbye #2017! Hello #2018! Happy New Year’s Eve!

Have a SAFE New Year’s Eve!
Want to ring in the New Year and welcome 2018 the right way? Fizzy cocktails, drinks and parties not your thing either? Can’t imagine anything better than being curled in bed watching the ball drop on T.V.?
If you are looking for something a bit CrAzY … but in book form!?
Try this kind of Eve on for size! Eve is the adorable catalyst that throws two people together in a whirlwind romance that is utterly heartwarming. Both Historical time-travel romances combine laughter, love, tenderness and some steam. Who doesnt love a modern NYC woman thrown into 1850’s Texas? Or better yet? What if you were swept away to the start of the Revolutionary War in a bikini? Talk about having a few issues!
Amazon reviews all agree that the Timeless Brides series is great!

“What a fun escape! This was a book of blossoming love, fun descriptive “laugh out loud” scenes. A touch of magic with few twist and turns before the happily ever after ending. “

“Quick, fun read. Unique plot and a nice escape that brought a smile to my face.”
“Such a great love story! Riley is such a relatable character and John will make you fall in love. I laughed out loud a several times and even had a tear brought to my eye. Read this book!”
Try one tonight – both are FREE on Kindle Unlimited!
A Lifetime With You
I will be spending my evening beginning another book! Woot!Woot! I just finished ‘A Perfect Bride’ in my western historical series and ‘Enchanted by You’ -another timetravel historical where Eve strikes again!
Be sure to click below to sign up for emails to keep you in the loop. I don’t fill your inbox with junk, just a few updates every month or two. I promise! LOL! It’s the fastest way to find out about new books coming soon, contests, sneak peeks and secrets to share!
I have a delicious secret to share(!) and the second that I’m okay to do so? IT WILL BE ON HERE!!! Let’s just say that it’s a fantastic collaboration that will knock your socks off!
Goodbye 2017… I am READY for #2018!

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