
To all the people who participated in the recent contest through Booksweeps:

Hello! and thank you for subscribing!

I am very pleased to introduce myself, share a bit about what I like and talk about what brought us here: the love of books!

I am a Kentucky resident that is “Texan by the grace of God” (love that bumpersticker, I swear). I grew up in a teensy-tiny town outside of Dallas and found myself now enjoying the mild(er) summers here in the Midwest. I work wayyyy too many hours and spend all of my freetime lost in a story. I adore a ‘happily ever after’ book that tugs at the heartstrings and hope to write those same stories for you…

Growing up, my family and I have always been heavy readers. Jean Auel, Stephen King, Judith McNaught, Piers Anthony… if it was typed, paperback, and lying around the house? It was well loved and the cover was crackled like an old worn roadmap from being folded, curled, and abused by several hands in the house. It was not unusual to say “darn it, would you just FINISH already so I can read it?” or sneak the book away from my mom or sister.


I still am an avid reader, but my tastes now fall to Sherrilyn Kenyon, Christine Feehan, and my sister IRL: Jill Myles (whom is the most awesome writer ever! <3 )

Currently I am working on a sweet story based in 1865 Alabama and still really developing the intro of it and the characters, giving them personality…

Two upcoming releases will be coming out in March- one historical called “Treasured Bride” set in Virginia City, Nevada at peak of silver mining in the area. The second book, a fun filled contemporary book called “Romancing the Fangirl”. Both were incredibly fun to write and I hope you enjoy them as much as I have in creating them!

Stay tuned for snippets, cover reveals and contests…


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