It was a dark and stormy night…

Well, that is what we are expecting anyways! The temperature swings here have been incredible. Sixty degrees one day and 20* the next. I cannot believe how fast the months have flown by in 2016. I blinked and its almost Christmastime. I am honestly no where near ready for the event either…its truly disheartening.

I typically adore the Season. The lights, the sounds, the smells…this year? Hectic does not even begin to describe it. I am a Christmas-card afficianado, to the effect that my sister asked me if I owned stock at Hallmark. (Sadly, no) This year, not so much.

To sound Grinch-like? Im ready for it to be Christmas Eve.

On to the writing? Its been great! When I have time to sit down, I can really churn out a story and finishing up another book right now. I just need to take time to edit so I can get it on KDP. 🙂

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