My goodness… shame on me!

I cannot believe its been months since I have posted! I have been slammed with work & life in general. It’s been tough to find time to write and update my blog. Sooo I have been writing 🙂 I am currently working on a historical western – LURVE me some cowboys <3

However, my favorite fellow<3 … suggested a futuristic book next round- so we shall see! I am super excited to crank out a few more this year and time is flying by. Is it really July already?!

I have about 15,000 more words to go in my new precious…then the edits start. We HATES edits.

I am currently out of town for work and hoping to get that 15k finished while spending the evenings in solitary confinement at the hotel I am staying at. If I can crank that out, it would be fantastic! So I wait patiently for my (S&#*$)MSWord to update so I can get started again. Wifi don’t fail me now!


fingers crossed!


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