
As the year wrap’s up, I have been thinking a lot about next year and how to handle things. This year has had its ups and downs for certain – some personal and some professional.

I quit my job – let’s just say that it will be book fodder for sure (grrr!) but I will enjoy writing the book and it will certainly be therapeutic for me.

This has been an incredible year for my writing – and I’m sure you are probably thinking, ‘my goodness she’s releasing a lot of books!’… and I am, because I LOVE these characters.

I’ve blessed to have the chance to meet so many people when I went to Space Coast Book Lovers Convention – and I have to admit that I would be going in 2023… EXCEPT… something came up.

I will be working a table at a convention for an author friend in Texas next year during the same time frame.

Am I being vague? OF COURSE!

I will not be signing (but I would love pics and to see people!) Shhh! I don’t want to break any rules, but I’m truly excited to see these friends and I’ve never been to this convention before (it’s a BIG one). As we get closer, more details will be shared… but remember – I will technically be a guest. 😊

2023 will be bringing work in five book series – and as you probably have learned if you’ve followed me for a while? I rarely stick to my release dates. I usually end up moving them upwards and announce it here in my NL.

The five book series are:

  • Billionaire Love Games – a sweet and clean billionaire series with a twist!
  • Flyboys – omigosh I’m so ready to tackle Houdini’s story and share his secret!
  • Healing Hearts – C’mon Perry, Keyes, Talbot, Pena…
  • Flirt’s Battalion – SQUEEEEEE! I just finished the prequel and you will love the surprise in the book. I’ll give you a hint: blue eyes.
  • Disaster City Search and Rescue – stay tuned! WaooooHooooooo!  (That’s my Alpo scream for all you Flyboys fans)

I’m currently filling out my planner, I’ve prepped my editor (LOL) for a flurry of books, and letting you all know now… I’ve got a TON of books planned for 2023.

Two announcements – and you might not have realized it, but I opened my book groups so you can share your thoughts.

I’ve been very careful because there’s been a lot of disturbing stuff in some other groups, but if you see something? PM me and I’ll get it taken down immediately.

I would really love to see more interaction so I can get to know you all a little better now that I’m not tied to a desk for sixty hours a week.

Here are the groups I run on Facebook – and if you didn’t know, SURPRISE!

Share memes, books you’ve read recently, things you liked, characters you love, pictures you’ve seen that remind you of a character in a book, etc.

Flyboys Facebook Group

Healing Hearts Facebook Group

Sweet and Wholesome Romance books

Flirt’s Battalion Romance Group (yup!)

Heroes and Hunks Romance Group

(Example – I had a dear friend that traveled through Tyler Texas recently and texted me. I thought that was so cool and wanted to shout, ‘find a soldier!’ LOL – I’m kidding! Don’t! Please don’t, it’s not one of our ‘boys’ and you might get in serious trouble) 

But please, share your feedback, your thoughts, requests, pics of coffee mugs because I love & collect them.

I just want to hear from YOU!

Whew! Okay, yes this was long with a ton of information, but my mind has been rolling and before I dive into another book? I wanted to remember all the changes I’ve been through – and what blessing I have to look forward to!

XOXO – and stay safe tomorrow on New Year’s Eve!


P.S. – I am 2/3rd of the way finished with Handsy’s book and it will be released in January. I do not have a date yet but will get you an ETA as soon as I speak with my editor again.

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