Recapping July… and hello August!

July is over… and I hope everyone loved the baby short stories! Should we do something like that again? I’d love to know your thoughts.

What did you think about Valkyrie? Isn’t he dreamy?

My editor is currently going through Forever Forgiven (Firefly’s story) and as soon as I have it back, I will be moving the preorder date up for everyone. I plan on releasing the book this month – and included an unedited glimpse at the story.

Remember Memories is actively on my laptop right now and in process. I am loving Clark’s story!

Flyboys has been front-and-center on my radar as the ‘team’ is growing. Reaper’s story is in process. Handsy and Hot Cakes just got their books up on preorder… and I am currently looking for the perfect person to portray Caboose.

The Fall Back into Love box set will have Toby’s story (from Flyboys) but once the box set is no longer available, I will be releasing it as part of the series. So, as soon as I have a date for you? I’ll include the announcement.

On personal news… I fell off the carb wagon HARD.

Oh my gosh, I had no idea how much I was stress eating at my job, nor how much fast food, until I went to put on my clothes and nothing fit right. Stress weight gain is legit. So, back to focusing on me.

Any keto or low carb recipes, please feel free to share!



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