… The Birthday Month Continues!

… The Birthday Month Celebration Continues!

If you missed last week’s newsletter or my posting on Facebook, we are going to have FUN, FUN, FUN the entire month! There will be a Baby Book every Saturday this month – along with two new books in both my series.

Remember Forgiveness in Healing Hearts and Forever Fortunate in Flyboys.

If you grabbed Remember Love while it was on sale, then you can grab Remember Family that gives you a glimpse into the Wilkes Family future.

I hope you all had a beautiful Independence Day! I went over to my in-laws for grilling and fireworks. We watched them go off above a small lake behind their house… and the weather was perfect.

The Mister and I might be going up to the NY state for an impromptu getaway to visit my son, so I’ll be sharing a few family pics in the next week or two.

#ProjectMushiness (Remember Wishes) is going along swimmingly.

It’s an ‘extra’ (like I don’t have enough going on…LOL) book that I am going to release later this year and squeezing it in. Omgosh, I have smiled and cried staring at my laptop. Y’all – it’s so.much.epic.love… just when you think you know what is coming next? Boom!

Abrupt right turn…

I’m in the process of trying something, so as soon as I am ready to share? You’ll be the first to know… muahahahaha secrets and projects! Let’s just say that this could be really fun and I should be getting something within the next week or two to share with you all.



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