Happy Saturday!

I’m sitting here drinking my coffee and staring at a screen thinking…
I’ve dabbled in so much over the last few years – different genres, different pen names, different types of books and this year is going to be MY year.
Change is coming and its beautiful <3
I’ve decided to focus on the books that make me happy… brands that I’ve grown with or established myself. Growth is fun, scary, and exhilarating. In fact, I just ordered a cover on a series I thought I would let fade away… but an idea won’t leave me alone-plus-there is the stirrings of another series blossoming deep down inside of the grey matter. LOL
Shhh… no more hints – I just wanted to share with you why I’ve been so very quiet and the chaos in my mind. I’m plotting and trying to figure things out.
What are you doing this weekend? What would you like to see more of?

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