Updates, news, and voting…

A little update… I am so ready to leave for Wild Deadwood Reads! My amazing husband has been so supportive of everything and in fact- took me to Hobby Lobby last night to make sure that I had everything I could need for the table decor. This is big! He and I joke about how you can’t walk into Hobby Lobby without spending a fortune… so we rarely ever go there – and he volunteered it. LOL!

I’m honestly excited and both terrified – a massive case of the jitters. “What if readers pass my table up?” or “What if they love my books but can’t stand me?” … the insecurity is REAL. It’s like trying on a bikini and looking into the mirror only to find out you are on stage. For authors, our books are our babies, our brainchild… so yes! I’m nervous, but I have received so much love and support from you all that it keeps me going.

If you are going to Deadwood – I will be there with several other Silverpines authors. Jenna Brandt, George McVey, Martha Lynn Donovan, Sophie Dawson… in fact, we are all planning on having dinner together while there- if you want to join us! (message me!!)

Before the event, I (or my beloved husband) will be wearing T-shirts with my name on it. I might be in a bustle too, if a lot of people are in costume! We plan on seeing the town, Mt. Rushmore, and participating in events – including book signings and giveaways. (PSSSSST… Jenna and I are going to have an AMAZING giveaway!)

Get ready for a TON of photos, videos, and Giveaways!! In the meantime, I have a surprise for you all on Facebook next week to help me countdown the days until I leave… (Post goes up tomorrow – no spoilers!) But in the meantime I am planning on hiding away and writing on this 3day weekend… why not enjoy a good book and vote for the cover? Wanted: Hired Gun is a finalist and I would sooooo love to win – click here to vote:


When Chicago actress, Posey Jones travels across country to help an ailing relative- she is immediately thrown into town at the very brink of destruction. Losing her uncle, gaining a home, and her independence- she sets out to establish her theater… only to realize she needs something special to ensnare an audience! When several women send off for husbands, she joins in with a strange request…

Available at Amazon —> https://amzn.to/2LRUaSG

Stay tuned- Wild Deadwood Reads is right around the corner!


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