Coming soon…Winning the Billionaire

As I finish the final touches on Lawfully Indulged coming in January and revel in the happiness that A Match Made in Heaven has given me- I have realized that I not only enjoy writing – I writing. I pour every bit of my heart in soul in my books and love getting lost in my imagination.

Now where’s this going, you say? 

Well, my first FULL length book is coming out soon and I can’t wait to share it with you all. I have never had so much fun creating a guy that makes me think of every cliche associated with his personality. He was…incredible…to create on paper (well, on my laptop).

A backwoods redneck that believes in God, Country and his Mama – striking it rich on the Powerball with one lucky ticket. (Hellooooo? Lotto fairies, I would sincerely like a chance like this-m’kay?). Stay tuned for more to come as this jewel gets ready to shine!

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