Happy Saturday!

So very pleased with my newest release, Beloved Texas Bride.

This was one of the most challenging books I’ve ever written but one of the most adored! <3  It’s truly given me a new insight and respect for people who write historicals because of the amount of research involved. You have to practically  live the part in your mind… the progress we have made over time mechanically, medicinally, electronically is staggering and I had truly no concept until I began this book.


Confession time:  I truly admire women who churned their own butter and made soap. #I’mLazy


That being said….

I am sincerely torn: I have a book that I absolutely loved writing and pumped it out so quickly, that the edits are massive – but- with writing Beloved Texas Bride, I have made so many new friends and enjoyed it so much I have my next story line already belted out on paper.


Do I write or do I edit?


Muahahaha… why even ask? #editssuck



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