You know… I think everyone goes through a spell where they feel like an ugly duckling.

Today, walking in the mall browsing -it was so nice to have one of the cosmetic ladies stop me and tell me that I have “such pretty skin” – it’s a good thing that she looked so open and honest cause 2 things ran thru my mind:

A. is this leading to a Silence of the Lambs thing?

B. AWWW<3 did she really mean or trying to upsell me?

It worked. I ended getting some of the fancy Lancome Lip shaker and absolutely adore it. I am glad she stopped me, I needed to hear a kind word and my chapped lips are now gone! Super awesome stuff! But my highlight was just hearing someone point out a feature and compliment me on it.

Pass on a kind word- you never know how you might make someone’s day! 🙂


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